Dermo Neuro Modulating 創設者
Diane Jacobs
Sensible Solutions
2005年にDermo Neuro Modulatingを提唱。
その新しい名前「Dermo Neuro Modulating」は、2000年代半ばに生まれました。
I became a licensed physiotherapist in 1971, and studied manual therapy from 1983 onward. In 1994 I opened my first solo practice, with manual therapy the core feature. I was happy with the technical side of my work, but became frustrated and bored with the explanations that had come with various manual therapy systems I had studied. Pain science was exploding in both quantity and quality, yet most manual therapy teachers were not incorporating new information about pain, or the nervous system. They were teaching operative moves upon tissue, but not how to interact with a human nervous system. It was as if the nervous system did not even exist!
I studied nerves, traced them from the spinal cord to the skin. I learned spinal cord pathways. I learned how the brain handles information from neural receptors in skin. I learned about nerve physiology, and the care and feeding of the 72 km of peripheral nerve in the body, that moving nerves regularly helped them become healthy and stay healthy. In the process, I developed a massive amount of respect for the human nervous system, which comprises only about 2% of the entire body, signals to itself constantly at 431 km/hour or 120 meters/second, runs 100% of our lives, waking or sleeping, and to do so consumes 25% of all available glucose and oxygen, day and night. I felt renewal with my work – it was not about pushing on tissue, it was about interacting with nervous systems, entire nervous systems that span the distance between skin cell and sense of self, in each of us. It was about having the intention to feed and drain physical nerves, to help them stop signaling “danger” to the brain with which they connected, so the brain could find a way to deploy descending modulation to the spinal cord.
A new name for manual therapy was needed, one that could encompass the entire nervous system, the fast signalling system that branched right into skin, the outermost layer of the body, the physical boundary a person has with their environment, and the only part we can directly touch as manual therapists. The new name, “dermoneuromodulating,” was born in the mid 2000’s. I had never taught before, but began teaching workshops in 2007. DNM has reached into many places in the world since, including Japan, and many other people now teach it as part of their workshop teaching.
I owe many thanks to Shin. I hope that respect for the human nervous system continues to spread in the world among manual therapists, and toward the nervous systems of all people who seek help from our hands-on work.
Diane Jacobs